‘They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.’Acts chapter 2 verse 42 – The Bible
- The apostles doctrine (teaching) was first spoken and then written down for subsequent generations. They wrote down the words of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit. We need the word of God to guide us and teach us how to live in obedience and for His glory.
- Fellowship is needed in an increasingly hostile world. We need to be with those of like mind and those who have the same spiritual desires.
- The breaking of bread is something the Lord Jesus instituted with His disciples before He went back to Heaven. The bread signifies the Lord’s body and His sinless life. The wine signifies His blood that He shed when sacrificed on the cross. We need to break bread weekly as an opportunity to remember Him until He returns again.
- Prayer is the means whereby we talk with God. We need to communicate with Him continually, to worship, to confess our sins, to give thanks and to prayer for ours and other’s needs.
![]() | Breaking of BreadOn Sunday mornings we take time to remember our Lord Jesus, His life, death and resurrection, in the breaking of bread. The format of the meeting is a time of open worship where any brother is free to give out a hymn, read from the Bible or pray. In doing so, he leads us all in worship and remembrance so that, when the bread and wine are passed around we have forgotten all but our Lord Himself. All born-again, baptised believers are welcome to join us at this breaking of bread, though a letter of commendation for visitors would be welcome. For further details please get in touch using our contact form. |
![]() | Tea / CoffeeWe have an opportunity to enjoy one another’s company and to chat over a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits. |
![]() | Kids clubThe Lord Jesus sought to call the children unto Him to bless them. We believe it is essential for children to grasp something of the love and greatness of God at an early age. We sing choruses and have a short Bible story telling them the wonderful message of the Gospel. |
![]() | TeachingFor approximately 45 minutes somebody will read from the Bible and explain what is meant by the verses read. The need to read God’s word and the need to understand the true meaning is essential for our spiritual growth and strength and also how to apply it to our lives. |
![]() | Bible Study / PrayerIn the week we meet in someone’s house for a time of prayer, to study the word of God and to enjoy fellowship one with another. Sometimes the Bible study will be conversational and we will chat about the passage. On other occasions a visiting speaker will teach from the passage. Venue is arranged each week. For further details please get in touch using our contact form. |